
Showing posts from May, 2017

Creating an Entrepreneurial Mindset, Habits of Network Marketing Professionals , and Recruiting New Distributors

Creating an Entrepreneurial Mindset, Habits of Network Marketing Professionals , and Recruiting New Distributors Have you ever worked a puzzle before and you are convinced you know where a piece goes but no matter what you do, that piece just will not fit with the surrounding pieces? Now, you could force the piece to fit. You could tear off one of the teeth or bend the pieces around it. But the puzzle’s end picture will not be right. That one piece will always be wrong. The same can happen in your business. You could have a prospect that you are just certain would do great in Network Marketing, but they won’t sign up. Or you have someone who has been a customer for years, but won’t make the transition to becoming a distributor. Or you could have a distributor that is only doing the bare minimum, and you know they could become so much more successful if only they work harder. You have these pieces that you know would fit perfectly into your opportunity, but they just d